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Insights - Dashboard
Updated over 2 years ago

Product Dashboard

As the brand administrator of a company you want to stay on top of how your products and BIM objects are performing on the BIMobject Cloud. The Product Dashboard is designed to give you an overview of just that. It puts focus on key metrics such as number of Downloads, Views, Visitors and Returning Visitors, over the last 30 days.



If you have more than one brand the dashboard will show you an aggregated view of all your brands, with a possibility to filter and select one or more brands.

Universities and Design Schools

By default we don’t include students in the dashboard data. If you would like to get insights into the upcoming generations of professionals, you can add that data on your view with a toggle switch.v

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

The dashboard shows three key performance indicators over the last 30 days compared with the previous 30 day period, so that you can get an indication if the performance is going up or down.

Views and downloads over time

To help you see how users behaviours change over the last 60 day you have a trend line. You can spot peeks in views and downloads and gain insights into patterns.

Views, downloads and number of users

This visualisation helps you see where you get the most downloads, and views and where the most users are. The bigger the bubble, the more users. Depending on how many subcategories your products are shown in.

Hovering a bubble highlights the category and shows you the subcategory title, total downloads, total views and total number of users.

Your global downloads

On the map the total downloads in the last 30 days by user over country. The hue of the country represents the downloads in each country.

When clicking a country you see which file types are most downloaded there for you brand.

You can zoom in if needed to get to a certain country.

Top Ten Regional Downloads

BIMobject Cloud has a global reach, and we want to show you where your users and downloads are coming from.

We believe you want to see who is interacting with your products, so we also show the ratio of occupational categories in each of the geographies too.

You can see the occupation included in each category by hovering.

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