Q3 2021
What’s new on BIMobject?
Please note that this recorded launch is streamed in English.
Introducing the new BIMobject.com
Noticed any change recently? Get a guided tour of the completely redesigned bimobject.com. Discover the new features and improvements made to the world’s leading marketplace for BIM content.
From insights to action
Simplicity is the word that best sums up the new dashboard that welcomes all manufacturers on the BIMobject business platform. The dashboard makes it easy to focus on the metrics that truly define success. And equally important, it gives you actionable insights and tips on how to improve your performance.
Panel discussion: How to reach the busy and distracted?
The remote work era has catapulted digitalisation of the construction industry. As more and more manufacturers choose to go digital, the billion dollar question becomes: what strategies and tools are needed to reach professionals and pierce through the digital clutter?