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How to add roles to the different users and what this roles mean

Sofia avatar
Written by Sofia
Updated over a week ago

Customer roles

All users that are added to a brand account need to have a role assigned to them to be able to login and use the platform.

Role name


Brand Administrator

The Brand Administrator has full access to your brand administration and is the only one able to add team members and assign roles to them. This user also sets up all the information and settings for the brand and defines the brand and product regions.

Product Manager

The product manager creates and manages the brands products pages under the products administration area. They can update all the product information, upload files and do all the translations to keep the information up to date.

Content developer

A content developer can manage and upload files connected to a product page without having access to any other brand related data.

Campaign Admin

Campaign admins are the only members of a brand that can launch promotional activities (launching email campaigns, promoting products and promoting collections).

Note that any other brand member with access to the business application can create email campaign drafts, send them for review and generally curate content, but only campaign admins are able to launch the campaigns to an audience group.

Brand Viewer

Brand Viewers can connect to all parts of the product as a view only user meaning they can’t do any changes. They can view all the product pages, but can't upload any files, edit any fields or change the publication status of the product pages or files.

They can also access all areas of the Audience, Analyse and Promote areas but can’t create anything or do any changes.

Business Messenger

Members given this role will appear on the product page as a contact for end users. Examples would be sales, technical support and product specialists. Users with this role are required to have regions set on them to match the professional users that browse your product pages.

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